Whenever i see those lights with variety colors hanging on the side of the roof of the houses and those unique trees built inside or out of everywhere, I can feel that something special shall be celebrated. Also with the special and very beautiful decorations for the very special occasion. And also with the cold whisper of the wind, it seems to be different. Ahhh...I know!...It's Christmas!. These are just the signs that Christmas season is getting near. But for you, what is Christmas? And what is the true essence of it?
Christmas, a very simple word but full of meaning. It is the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is also the season of Sharing and Giving, Forgiveness and most especially, of Loving.
We celebrate Christmas to show to others our love and care for them and make us remember the birthday of Jesus Christ. We also celebrate it in the 12 midnight of December 24 to meet 25th with a simple celebration called Noche Buena. But do you know that having a Noche Buena is not that important? Because for as long as you are with your family and there is sharing and giving, forgiveness and loving among your family and among others, it's already Christmas; the spirit of Christmas.
GIVING and SHARING. You give and share with others for what you have with all your heart. FORGIVENESS. As the song implies "To forgive is to forget." This season, we must forgive those people who have done something wrong with us. Forget all those bad memories and try to have something new. It's better to forgive them than to keep hard feelings inside us. LOVING. All of that I've mention is a form of loving. And as long as you help people, it also means that you love them.
"Give love on Christmas Day". Not only on the exact Christmas day but also everyday. Everyday is Christmas. Let others feel your tender loving care and make them appreciate that you are there foe them. Share and Give. Let us forgive. Give love and let us feel IT'S CHRISTMAS!.